The Challenge
To help organise and deliver the national press launch for the National Trust 125th anniversary, in 2020 the Trust is launching its new core Values project and this event was a key moment for the UKs oldest national charity. The event would also tie into the Trust’s 125th anniversary more broadly and present a key opportunity to engage with the media and journalist all around the UK.
The Trust also provided us with a challenging brief, not only in terms of venue needs, but the level of expectation for what the event had to deliver was extremely high.
The event had to be held in a neutral London location (for ease of access) to encourage attendance by the national press, the event also had to be hosted in a 'green space' venue which mirrored the Trust’s own values, the curve-ball being the event had to be held in early January during our lovely English winter! It was also vital that the event was also live streamed to all the National Trust's own properties, regional teams, and partners to engage them in this historic moment.
The Solution
After an extensive and rather challenging venue search, the team at FUSE worked with the Trust to finally select the Barbican Conservatory as the host location for the event. The space is a truly unique hidden gem tucked inside the Barbican Centre in Central London. Presenting a year-round verdant backdrop, the conservatory also met all our other venue criteria in terms of socially responsible, green and ethical procedures in place at the world-famous performing arts and performance space.
Fuse also enlisted the help of our well trusted AV suppliers to deliver an affordable yet professional event set-up both for the live event itself, but also providing the highest quality of live streaming service to the Trust. The stream was seamlessly integrated into the Trust's intranet for their own teams and made available online for wider broadcast.
Working closely with the Barbican our team also provided the usual level of exceptional and personalised service we expect to welcome every guest and ensure each speaker was briefed and prepared for their presentation.